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Why Do Dogs Sleep So Much?

Why do dogs sleep so much?Why do dogs sleep so much? Does it seem like your dog is always sleeping? Every time you walk into the living room, there is your dog, on the couch and snoring away. Or maybe your dog loves to snooze in your bed or on the floor in front of the fireplace. Where ever there is a comfortable place to sleep, your dog will fall asleep there.

Dogs seem to only have two modes – sleep and eat. When they aren’t eating, they are sleeping. It’s crazy just how much a dog can sleep. This can be concerning to some dog owners but it’s a perfectly natural phenomenon. Here are a few reasons as to why dogs sleep so much:

Dogs Don’t Sleep as Soundly as Humans

Most humans go into a deep sleep for 6-8 hours every night. Dogs don’t tend to go into a deep sleep and, if they do, it isn’t for a very long time. You may not realize this, but you dog may wake up many times during the night. They have much better senses than humans which causes them to awake from their sleep more often. A small noise or a strange smell may wake up your dog from his slumber. Dogs often need 14-18 hours of sleep to get the same quality as humans do in 6-8 hours.

Bigger Dogs Need More Sleep

While most dogs need 14 hours of sleep a day, this number depends a lot on the breed of the dog. A smaller dog will need much less sleep than a larger one. For example, Mastiff and Great Danes need as much as 18 hours of sleep. Yep, large breeds tend to be lazy. Surprisingly, this is why larger breeds are much better at being apartment dogs than smaller breeds.

Bored Dogs Sleep More

Bored DogsDogs that have nothing to do will sleep more because there’s nothing to do. Think about it. A dog that has a job to do such as sniffing out drugs, finding bedbugs or rescuing people on a snowy mountainside won’t have time to sleep. They are too busy working.

Many dogs will sleep all day while their owners go to work because they are bored. You can help add excitement to your dogs life by getting another dog, hiring a dog walker or leaving the TV turned on to DogTV.

Puppies and Seniors Need More Sleep

Puppies, like human babies, need a lot more sleep to help them grow. A puppy can sleep as much as 20 hours a day. If your puppy sleeps a lot, it is normal and nothing to be alarmed about. Similarly, a senior dog will also need more sleep because their bodies slow down as they get older. It takes longer for them to heal and they are often in pain because of arthritis. They might also have cold paws. Sleeping makes them feel better.

A Sick Dog Sleeps A Lot

While you shouldn’t worry if your dog sleeps all the time, it could be a sign of sickness. If your dog is also lethargic, not eating and seems slow when he is awake, then it could mean that there is something wrong with your dog. It could be a number of diseases or ailments so get your dog to a vet immediately, so they can figure out what is wrong and get your dog back to good health.


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